Our Team
Federico Alberto Huergo holds the position of:
• President of Fénix Bursátil Sociedad de Bolsa S.A. (From 2005 to the present).

• Vice-President of Trust Administradora de Fondos de Inversión S.A. (From 2011 to the present).

In the past he has occupied the following positions:
• Vice President of Transacciones Sociedad de Bolsa S.A. (2002-2005).
• Vice President of Transcambio S.A. (1996-2005).
• Vice President of Navarro Viola y CÃa. S.A.
Sociedad de Bolsa (1992-1997).
• Senior Director of Mercado Abierto Electrónico S.A. (MAE) (1991-1992).
• Chief Advisor of Buenos Aires Stock Exchange S.A. (1990-1992).
• President of the Cámara Argentina de Casas y Agencias de Cambio (CADECAC) (1990-1992).
• President of Exprinter S.A. (1983-1992).
• Vice Presidente of Exprinter Lifvans S.A. (1983-1992).
• Director of Exprinter Casa Bancaria S.A. (1983-1992).
Federico Huergo